Measuring the sentiment and pulse of the business.

An extension of customer NPS, the Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) allows WPB to listen, learn and act on feedback from frontline employees and creates a continuous improvement cycle that enhances their day-to-day roles. Through regular short surveys, it sits alongside and complements other employee insight tools and though escalation processes and prioritisation it drives the change employees want to see.

Working with

The People Experience team

How did OTM support:

Development of creative strategy and proposition which is scaleable to work across different markets
Creative concept, design and production of messaging framework and complete communication pack (nuanced for each regional audience) including a playbook, toolkit, pitch document, huddle/buzz activities
Email design and development 
Animated and UGC videos featuring Market Leads
All localised and transcreated for key markets

What is eNPS? : Video produced in multiple languages 

Explainer video to show how eNPS works 

Why eNPS? : Video localised for each region 

Senior Leaders explain why eNPS is important. This is the version used for India and Egypt 

Communication pack examples : Toolkit.
Sample pages (click to enlarge)     

Communication pack examples : Huddle activity. Sample pages (click to enlarge)  

A partner you can work with

If you require help to launch, communicate or embed key marketing messages, please contact claireliddy@otmcreate.com

Together, we can make HSBC impossible to ignore.